AI Pulse Survey: AI Infrastructure and Support

1 minute read

Feb 14

Vice President of Marketing

Sand Technologies

The world of AI is evolving quickly. We’ve seen a number of advancements during the past decade, but the pace of change and board-level interest has accelerated rapidly during the past 18 months. So where do things stand today?

Our work with clients around the world has provided a number of insights about AI use cases and applications for specific situations. Four key areas help companies as they embark upon their AI journey. In this pulse survey, we’re inviting a broader audience to share their self assessment in the first of those areas: AI infrastructure and support.

We invite you to complete this quick survey to help build a comprehensive picture of companies’ current AI readiness. If you would like to receive an advanced copy of the report based on the responses, simply share your details in the survey form itself. Responses are otherwise anonymous.


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