Wireless Network Digital Twin

Plan, build and optimize a faster, more reliable network

Wireless networks are in constant flux. Ever-increasing data volumes, high customer expectations and complex geography challenge providers to stay one step ahead.

Network Digital Twin uses AI and data modeling to provide fast, scalable network simulations for strategic decision makers.

The technology empowers RAN planners, operators and analysts to run experiments in real time, optimize network configurations and adapt to demand fluctuations before making major investment decisions.

Key Benefits

Improve decision making

Run rapid network simulations and visualize network changes instantly, assisting in parameter adjustments and new site identification

Increase efficiency

Cloud-based platform integrates with existing systems and myriad data sources

Provide a single source of truth

Common set of data, models and reports for all stakeholders

AI for Network Insights

Network Digital Twin leverages AI to integrate an array of data sources and model complex networks. The underlying technology in Network Digital Twin uncovers patterns, anomalies and opportunities for growth, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions about the evolution and expansion of their wireless network.
Network buildout and optimization strategies are based on a massive volume and diversity of data, from building heights and transmitter specs to network usage and new customer acquisition. This influx of information makes AI a must-have for organizations looking to generate truly actionable insights based on real-time, historical and forecast data.

Application Features

Line-of-sight RFP simulations provide scalable indoor/outdoor analysis, saving up to 80% of time in network modeling
Network optimization algorithms leverage real-time demand data for greater accuracy
User-friendly SQL interface empowers everyone, from developers to business users

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